首页> 中文期刊> 《河南理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 >潞安常村井田陷落柱分布规律与成因初探




陷落柱发育、导水和集聚瓦斯都对煤矿安全生产产生威胁.依据常村井田现勘探揭露陷落柱发育的位置和特征,从岩溶发育条件、地下水径流条件以及构造发育条件等3个方面对常村井田陷落柱成因进行了分析,指出上述3个条件是常村井田陷落柱发育的主要因素,且三者相互联系,进而得出了陷落柱发育的规律:陷落柱多发育在奥灰水富水异常区、张扭性断层应力集中部位和向斜轴部褶曲部位及其转折端.%The cultivation,conducting water and gathering gas of the karstic collapse columns are threatening in the coal mines.According to the location and features of the karstic collapse columns in Changcun coal mine field,the causes of the karstic collapse columns were analyzed in the aspects of the karst development condition,the ground water flow condition and the tectonic setting,which were considered to major factors,and these factors interacted with each other and they did not function separably.The basic rule of karstic collapse columns' spatial distribution in Changcun coal mine field is concluded finally as follows:Ordovician limestone rich water anomalies,tenso-shear faults stress concentrations and the syncline axises and their turning ends are the positions in which the karstic collapse columns are likely to develop.



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