首页> 中文期刊>河南教育学院学报(哲学社会科学版) >学术史与方法论的不倦阐释:郭豫适的红学研究——当代学人的红学研究综论之六




郭豫适新时期的红学观点和红学思想较为集中地体现在2011年出版的《郭豫适文集·论红楼梦及其研究》之中,学术史与方法论这两个方面是郭豫适《红楼梦》研究的主要用力点。其中,红学史方面的新成果是郭豫适新时期之前基本成稿的《红楼梦小史稿》和《红楼梦小史稿续编》的学术延伸,而郭豫适对《红楼梦》研究方法的集中关注,尤其对半个世纪来海内外新旧索隐派基本观点、研究方法的详尽评析和批判,则力图正本清源、廓清迷雾。郭豫适关于学术史与方法论方面的学术实践已然对新时期红学发展产生了广泛的影响。%The studies on A Dream of Red Mansions by GUO Yushi during the new period are embodied in the Collected Works of GUO Yushi -Studies on Redology, published in 2011. The history in academy and methodology are his concentration. In addition, the new achievement of redology history is the academic extensions of his original drafi-Historiette of A Dream of Red Mansions and Continuation of the Historiette. While GUO Yushi focuses on the research method of A Dream of Red Mansions, especially the detailed criticism of Figurists during half a century throughout the home and overseas, trying to reform radically and clear mist. Apprently, the academic practice of GUO Yushi on history in academy and methodology exert an abroad influence on the development of redology.



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