首页> 中文期刊>河南教育学院学报(自然科学版) >前瞻记忆动态多重加工理论:一种新的加工机制模型




事件性前瞻记忆是指在未来某一特定外部事件发生时去执行先前意向任务的记忆。前人研究主要集中于对事件性前瞻记忆完成过程中信息加工和提取的探讨,关注信息加工过程是自动加工、控制加工还是两者的结合,但未关注加工过程中的变量与自动加工相关还是控制加工相关,近年提出的动态多重加工理论认为线索驱动和策略加工过程两者形成一种动态相互作用的过程,这一观点在有关前瞻记忆加工过程的实验研究中得到了支持。%The ability to remember to execute delayed intentions when some special outer event happens in future is referred to as event-based prospective memory. Predecessors’ research mainly concentrated on discussion of pro-cessing and extraction of information in completed process of event prospective memory, concerning whether infor-mation processing process is automatically processing, control processing, or both of the combination. But it is not concerned whether variables in processing process are related to automatic processing or controlled processing. In recent years, proposed dynamic multiple processing theory, which believes both clues drive and strategy processing process formed a dynamic process of interaction. This point is supported in experiment research about prospective memory processing process.



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