首页> 中文期刊> 《河南农业大学学报》 >不同玉米品种(系)田间抗蚜性的初步鉴定




采用蚜情指数法,初步鉴定了河南省4个主栽玉米品种和7个自交系的田间抗蚜性.结果表明,不同品种(系)的抗蚜性存在差异,4个主栽品种浚单20、郑单958、良玉88和先玉335对玉米蚜的抗性级别均在“中抗”以上,其中浚单20和郑单958的抗性最强,达“高抗”水平,其次是良玉88;7个自交系中昌7和昌7-2的抗蚜性最强,达“抗虫”或“高抗”水平,齐319的抗性最弱,为“高感”水平.本研究建立了利用抽雄期至灌浆期的蚜情指数代表玉米全生育期蚜情指数的抗蚜性鉴定方法,结果表明在驻马店和郑州两地的鉴定结论基本一致,说明这种方法是可行的.%The aphid index method was applied to evaluate the resistance of four main maize hybrids and seven inbred lines in Henan Province to Rhopalosiphum maidis Fitch in the field. The results indicated that the different resistance levels did exist among maize varieties investigated. The four main maize hybrids "Xundan 20" , "Zhengdan 958" , "Liangyu 88" and "Xianyu 335" all showed "medium resistance" level or above, with "Xundan 20" and "Zhengdan 958" at highest resistance level, followed by " Liangyu 88" . Among the seven inbred lines, the level of " Chang 7 " and " Chang 1-2" was respectively at high resistance level, with "Qi 319" at the highest susceptibility level. We established a method of using the aphid index from tasseling stage to grain filling stage to represent the aphid index during the whole growth period, and the results showed that the conclusion of identification in Zhumadian and Zhengzhou was consistent, indicating that the aphid index method was feasible.



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