首页> 中文期刊> 《河南农业科学》 >铜胁迫对菊芋幼叶生理生化指标的影响




In order to supply a theoretical evidence for repairing the heavy metal Cu polluted soil, this paper studied the effects of Cu on the peroxidase isoenzymes, plant height, chlorophyll content and membrane permeability in Helianthus tuberosus leaves. The results showed that compared with the control, 7 bands of POD isoenzymes (P1 ~ P7)were observed in leaves of H. tuberosus seedlings after Cu treatment, including two new bands (P1 and P2). The enzyme activities increased with the intensified band color when the concentration of Cu increased. Low concentration Cu(5 mg/L) stimulated the growth of H. tuberosus seedlings. It significantly increased plant height, chlorophyll content and membrane permeability. The high-level Cu treatment of H. tuberosus inhibited plant height,chlorophyll content and membrane permeability,which caused different levels of injury.%利用不同质量浓度Cu(0、5、20、40 mg/L)处理菊芋幼苗,研究Cu对菊芋幼叶中过氧化物酶(POD)同工酶、株高、叶绿素含量及细胞膜通透性的影响,以期为修复Cu污染土壤提供理论依据.结果表明:Cu处理菊芋幼苗后,叶片中共有7条POD同工酶带(P1-P7),比对照(0 mg/L)新增了2条(P1、P2)酶带,且随着Cu质量浓度的增加,酶带颜色加深,酶活性增强;低质量浓度的Cu(5 mg/L)对菊芋幼苗的生长具有促进作用,使菊芋幼苗的株高、叶绿素含量以及细胞膜的稳定性都有所增加,而随着Cu质量浓度的继续增加,其对菊芋幼苗的株高、叶绿素合成、细胞膜的通透性都有不同程度的抑制作用,从而对植株产生不同程度的伤害.



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