首页> 中文期刊>合肥工业大学学报(社会科学版) >贫困地区城乡夫妻权力模式对比研究--以甘肃省定西市T县为例




中国贫困地区城镇和乡村在经济、文化发展方面存在着不均衡性,在夫妻权力模式方面也表现出明显差异。文章认为,贫困地区城乡间夫妻权力模式存在共性也有着差异,城乡家庭中妻子均居于相对弱势的地位,但城镇趋于夫妻平权,农村依然男权盛行,而且贫困地区城乡夫妻权力模式较之于全国其他地区差距更加明显。究其原因有传统性别观念的普遍存在;农村妻子文化程度偏低、经济独立缺失;区域间经济、文化发展的不平衡等因素。%T here is imbalance in economic and cultural development of urban and rural areas in China's poverty areas ,and the patterns of marital power are also different .The empirical research results show that three are similarities and differences between urban and rural marital power patterns in pov‐erty areas .Wives in urban and rural households are in a relatively weak position ,but there is a tend‐ency towards couples'equal rights in urban areas ,and the patriarchy is still dominating in rural areas . Moreover ,in comparison with other areas in China ,the urban and rural marital power patterns in poverty areas still lag far behind . T he reasons are as follow s :the universal existence of traditional gender concept ,the lower educational background and deficiency in economic independence of wives in rural areas ,the unbalanced development of regional economy and culture and other factors .



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