首页> 中文期刊>合肥工业大学学报(社会科学版) >汉学家的译者身份r——金介甫译沈从文小说研究




It needs to choose literary works of world values and translators who can first keep the trans-lation's literariness ,cultural units ,evocative ability ,then do literary criticism to deepen its thematic meaning in the process of translating Chinese literature and culture abroad .Jeffrey C .Kinkley has been studying Shen Congw en based on China's social history and culture since 1972 ,which helps much in his translation .The strategy of explanatory translation conveys Chinese culture effectively ;since he had considered each subject's feeling during the translating process ,the translation would promote the subjects'interactions;he also translated texts that express inner relations between cultures atten-tively .The Sinologist has identities of multiculturality ,intersubjectivity and interculturality which make positive effects in translating Chinese culture abroad and finally help in the development of na-tional culture ,in the diversity of world cultures .%文学(文化)外译需选择有世界文学价值的中国文学作品与能保证译本文学性、文化性、召唤性并通过文学批评促进其异域传播的译者.金介甫多年从事沈从文及中国社会历史文化研究的经历为其翻译沈作奠定了基础.其解释性翻译策略有效传达了中国文化 ;在翻译三个阶段从原作者、读者等角度审察译文 ,促进了主体间经验共享 ;在阐释中认知两种文化之共性并予以重点翻译 ,深化了文本价值.汉学家作为译者拥有多重文化身份、间性主体身份与间性文化身份 ,有利于指导其翻译实践并从总体上推动文学(文化)外译 ,促进中华民族文化的发展 ,让世界文化更多元.



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