首页> 中文期刊>合肥师范学院学报 >布鲁克斯与沃伦的小说批评理论——以《小说鉴赏》为讨论对象




In "Understanding Fiction" is an excellent resource book.It is very clearly written.The topics covered are "The Intention of Fiction","How Plot Reveals","What Character Reveals","What Theme Reveals","Stories for Study",and "Fiction and Human Experience: How Four Stories Came to Be Written." It uses many,many,stories written by famous authors to illustrate each topic.Brooks and Warren would go on to develop the aesethetics that came to be known as the New Criticism.Nevertheless,Brooks notes that "The New Critic,like the Snark,is a very elusive beast," meaning that there was no clearly defined "New Critical" school or critical stance.Anyway,it's a good book to get readers thinking the way they need to think in order to write a paper.%在《小说鉴赏》中,布鲁克斯与沃伦立足分析小说文体,从文本结构入手,注重考量情节、人物性格、主体三个方面,认为作品文本是一个独立的有机整体。这与罗曼.英伽登提出的文学作品层次理论有着千丝万缕的联系,但与其相比较,又有些许的不同与局限。



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