首页> 中文期刊> 《哈尔滨工业大学学报》 >区域供水管网盲源分离漏失量研究




目前,国际上对漏失量化理论研究较少,建立的管网漏失模型多为估算反推微观模型,未能求出供水管网整体精确的物理漏失水量,无法对供水管网漏失现状进行评价,为此,基于供水管网漏失专用实验平台进行不同用户、不同漏点、不同特性管网的漏失模拟,并将盲源分离理论应用到供水管网漏失分离中,对实验管网获取的在线监控数据用快速独立分量分析算法( FastICA)进行处理,成功分离出漏失量.为供水行业制定有针对性的供水管理及技术措施,降低漏失量、提高管网控漏水平提供依据.%At present, study on the theory of quantify leakage is few internationally, and the establishment of water supply network leakage model is used more for estimating microscopic model but not used for calculation of whole physical leakage in water supply network. This paper modeled leakage of different consumers, different characteristics of leakage by water supply network leakage experimental platform. The theory of blind source separation was applied to leakage separation, and the data obtained from on-line monitor system was processed by fast independent component algorithm to get leakage separation. This provides powerful basis for taking measures of water supply network management, reduces leakage and improves level of controlling leakage.



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