首页> 中文期刊>哈尔滨工业大学学报(社会科学版) >美国新闻报道框架建构下的'中国形象'——美国主流媒体'一带一路'峰会新闻报道框架解析




The subject of this study is the mainstream American media reports related to the The Belt and Road International Cooperation Forum. This paper focuses on the two dimensions, one is dominant elements, the other is recessive elements on frame structure. We discuss how the American mainstream media construct"news framework of The Belt and Road", and further test the stability of media bias in the construction of Chi-na's national image by the US media. The study found that the American media adhere to this strong position, and misread"The Belt and Road" framework. The news framework not only emphasizes the importance of Chi-na, but also holds risk awareness and threat.%以美国主流媒体对"一带一路"国际合作高峰论坛的相关报道为研究对象,围绕新闻显性要素构成与隐性框架结构两个向度,探讨美国主流媒体如何构建"一带一路"新闻报道框架,并进一步检验美国媒体建构中国国家形象之媒体偏见的稳定性.研究发现,美国媒体依然延续强势国家立场,对"一带一路"倡议的报道颇多臆断解读;美国新闻报道框架既强调中国的重要性,也保有风险认知与威胁警惕.了解美国主流媒体对"一带一路"倡议的反馈和立场,及其如何阐释"一带一路"倡议,具有重要的现实意义.



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