首页> 中文期刊> 《海南师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 >中国城市公交网络冗余度分析




Reliable and robust urban public transport network is not only related to urban residents travel convenience, but also plays a key role in maintaining the normal operation of the entire city system. An important indicator of the reliability and robustness of complex systems is redundancy, i.e. the backup of the same functional components in a system. However, the understanding of the degree of redundancy of the urban public transport network is still rather ambiguous. Based on complex network theory, using connectivity theory and genetic algorithm, the paper develops two redundancy metrics (global redundancy and local redundancy) for urban bus traffic networks, and conducts a comprehensive analy- sis of redundancy of 8 urban public transport networks. The results show that the public transport network of global redundancy is significantly higher than the local redundancy while the local redundant connectivity in the city showing the heterogeneous distribution characteristics. The results have a certain reference value for the optimization and design of bus traffic systems.%可靠和强韧的城市公交网络不仅关系到城市居民的出行便捷性,同时也对维持整个城市系统的正常运转起着关键性作用.复杂系统的可靠性和强韧性的一个重要指标就是冗余度,即同一功能组件在一个系统中的重复备份.然而,对于城市公交网络的冗余程度的认识依然比较模糊.文章基于复杂网络的连通性理论和遗传优化算法,利用两种公交网络的冗余度的度量指标,即全局冗余度和局域冗余度,对8个具有城市化梯度的中国城市公交网络进行全面的冗余度分析.结果显示,公交网络的全局冗余度明显高于局域冗余度,同时城市中的局域冗余连通块呈现明显的异质分布特征.研究结果对于未来公交线路优化和设计具有一定的参考价值.



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