首页> 中文期刊>贵州大学学报(艺术版) >西方诗画关系研究的新突破:从美学的思辨到艺术的体悟--论刘剑《西方诗画关系研究:19世纪初至20世纪中叶》




论文围绕刘剑的艺术学新著《西方诗画关系研究:19世纪初至20世纪中叶》展开论述。论著从西方诗画关系切入,避开了西方诗画关系在美学、文艺理论研究领域中的偏重理论性的探讨,矫正了对西方诗画关系的认识,是莱辛之后西方诗画关系研究的补充与发展。论著以西方现代诗歌与绘画艺术本身为研究基础,着眼于从诗画艺术实践本身来考察诗画关系,对诗画关系在西方创作实践进行线性梳理的创新,融合了艺术实践的鲜活性与艺术理论的学理性。%This paper proposed a discussion of LIU Jian’ s monograph A Study of the Relationship between Poetry and Painting in the West from the Early 19th Century to the Mid-20th Century. Focusing on the relationship between Western poetry and painting, the monograph deflected the theoretical discussion that have been highlighted in Western aesthetics and artistic theory studies. Instead, it redefined their relationship and has become a supplement and develop-ment in the study of the relationship between Western poetry and painting after Lessing. Moreover, it investigated the relationship between poetry and painting based on the studies of Western modern poetry and the art of painting them-selves and their actual practices with linear sorting and integrated the novelty of artistic practice and the rationality of ar-tistic theories.



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