首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Transport History >La culture equestre de I'Occident XVIe-XIXe siecle. L'ombre du cheval. Tome premier, Le cbeval moteur [Western Horse Culture from the 16th-19th Centuries

La culture equestre de I'Occident XVIe-XIXe siecle. L'ombre du cheval. Tome premier, Le cbeval moteur [Western Horse Culture from the 16th-19th Centuries

机译:16至19世纪的西方马术文化。马的影子。 Tome首相,Le cbeval moteur [16世纪至19世纪的西方马文化

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In light of recent discussions concerning 'horsification', the initiative of the Brussels municipality to collect waste by horse traction seems rather surprising and contradicts the commonly accepted association of horses with the countryside. After reading this important book by Daniel Roche, however, this evolution makes perfect sense. His book is the first of three volumes dedicated to the 'culture equestre' (horse culture).
机译:鉴于最近有关“马化”的讨论,布鲁塞尔市政府通过马力牵引来收集废物的倡议似乎令人惊讶,并且与普遍接受的马与乡村联系相矛盾。但是,在阅读了丹尼尔·罗奇(Daniel Roche)的这本重要著作之后,这种演变是很有意义的。他的书是致力于“马术文化”(马文化)的三本书中的第一本书。



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