首页> 中文期刊>贵阳学院学报(自然科学版) >“数学教育研究与论文写作”课程网络教学平台的构建




为了加强高等师范院校数学专业学生数学教育研究能力的培养,指导学生毕业论文写作,我们开设了"数学教育研究与论文写作"课程,同时构建了与之相辅的网络教学平台,实现了课堂教学的有效延展。立足网络教学平台可视操作的学习界面、图文并茂的教学素材、多样互动的辅助手段、客观动态的实时评价,教师与学生共同完成论文写作的知识准备、操作演练和成果展示等环节,有效地促进了学生科研能力的养成及教师论文指导效率的提高。%In order to strengthen the higher normal college students' mathematical education research skills,and instruct students to graduate essay writing,we conducted the mathematics education research and essay writing course.In order to be supplied,we constructed network teaching platform,realized the effective extend of classroom teaching.Based on the network teaching platform,we used visual operating learning interface,colorful teaching material,various interactive auxiliary methods,objective dynamic real-time evaluation.Teachers and students commonly finish the preparation of writing knowledge,paper writing exercise and achievements exhibition,which effectively promotes students' research abilities,and improves the teachers' paper efficiency.



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