首页> 中文期刊> 《广西医科大学学报》 >羧基改性PAMAM体内封闭脱矿牙本质小管的效果观察




Objective:To evaluate the abilities of dentinal tubules occlusion of the carboxyl-terminated polyamidoamine dendrimer(PAMAM-COOH) on human demineralized dentin in vivo.Methods:Demineralization dentin discs were divided into two halves and marked with A and B randomly,which were sutured to the interior side of the rat's cheeks after treated with PAMAM-COOH and deionized water,respectively.The samples were harvest at 1,2,and 4 weeks.The microstructure of dentin discs surface were characterized by SEM.Results:The dentinal tubules of the dentin discs treated with PAMAM-COOH were occlusive gradually,whereas just a few depositions existed on the control group,and dentinal tubules remained open.Conclusion:PAMAM-COOH had effects on inducing demineralized dentin mineralize and occlude dentinal tubules.%目的:研究体内评估羧基改性的聚酰胺-胺型树枝状聚合物(PAMAM-COOH)对脱矿牙本质小管的封闭能力.方法:将部分脱矿人牙本质片对半切开,随机分为A组和B组,分别经PAMAM-COOH和去离子水处理后缝合到大鼠的颊部黏膜侧,在大鼠口腔环境中保留1周、2周、4周后取出样本,采用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对牙本质片的微观形貌进行检测.结果:PAMAM COOH处理后的A组牙本质随着时间的推移,小管口逐渐形成矿物沉积物,管径变小,呈封闭趋势;而B组仅有少量沉积物,牙本质小管口呈开放状态.结论:PAMAM-COOH具有诱导脱矿牙本质矿化封闭牙本质小管的作用.



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