首页> 中文期刊>广东外语外贸大学学报 >中国古代立法语体规范化演进规律概论




Standardization of the legislative language in ancient China experienced a long evolutional history. In gener-al, the legislative language was relatively weak in standardization in the Zhou and Qin Dynasties, and the situation was similar in both the Han and the Qin Dynasty. Then it was standardized so much in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. After a transitional phase in the Song Dynasty, it was standardized more fully than in the Tang but less fully than in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. So it was in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, especially in the Qing, that the legislative language became standardized to a full degree.%中国古代立法语体的规范化,经历了一个漫长的演进过程。一般而言,周代及秦的立法语体规范化程度比较弱,汉代立法语体的规范化程度与秦朝相类;隋唐的立法语体近于规范;宋代立法语体处于一个过渡阶段,其规范化程度强于唐代而弱于明清;而真正达到规范的当属明清立法语体,而规范化程度最高的是清代立法语体。



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