首页> 中文期刊>广东外语外贸大学学报 >口译技能习得过程的描述研究——面向翻译专业学生的跟踪观察




采用面向翻译本科和翻译硕士(口译)学生的跟踪观察方法,描述口译技能的习得过程,探索口译学习的影响因素.研究发现,口译技能习得呈现阶段性发展的特征:翻译本科学生各项核心口译技能处于认知阶段,尚不能与更高阶段的技能进行联结,不能进入自动化阶段;翻译硕士学生能够进行口译子技能的联结,某些子技能已达到自动化;对本科学生而言,传统意义上的听力理解(非母语)对信息处理技能的习得构成阻碍,阻碍了向下一阶段笔记技能的迁移.此外,口译学习的最终效果亦与学习管理策略有关.%In order to describe and understand the process of interpreting skills acquisition, a longitudinal study of interpreting students is conducted with data collected from the learning journals that BTI and MTI students kept throughout an academic term and from regular interviews with the students.It is found that interpreting skills are acquired in a progressive manner.BTI students are in the cognitive stage for the sub-skills of interpreting observed in this research whereas MTI students are either in the associate stage or the autonomous stage.For BTI students listening comprehension is found to be the obstacle that prevents skill transfer from information processing to note-taking.The research also finds that the ultimate results of interpreting learning are affected by the use of learning management strategy.



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