首页> 中文期刊> 《研究生教育研究》 >基于积极心理学视角的和谐'导学关系'模式构建研究




The"supervisor-postgraduate"relationship is a most important interpersonal relationship for postgraduates and it influences greatly the growth of postgraduates.In comparison with the viewpoint of conventional research,the positive psychology is better at finding the positive factors in the relationship between supervisors and postgraduates,for it attaches more importance to the psychological health and stresses mutual responsibility of the both sides in building a mutual relationship.Upon the above findings,this paper proposes to build a harmonious"supervisor-postgraduate"relationship at three layers,i.e.the creation of a positive psychological environment for postgraduates,the improvement of positive support from social sectors and the skill enhancement for positive psychological communications between supervisors and postgraduates,so as to improve the mutual grow th and development of both supervisors and postgraduates.%"导学关系"是研究生最主要的人际关系之一,对研究生成长成才有着重要影响.相较于传统研究视角,积极心理学更善于发现"导学关系"中的积极因素,重视导学双方的心理健康,强调导学双方在关系构建中的共同责任,进而提出从营造学校积极心理环境、完善积极社会支持系统、增进"导学"积极心理沟通技巧三个层面构建和谐"导学关系"模式,以促进导学双方共同成长和发展.



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