首页> 中文期刊> 《福建警察学院学报》 >拓展同一认定理论值得商榷的几个问题




Through researching on the identical cognizance theory in recent years, many scholars think that the theory can be used as specific basic theory of the subject of criminal investigation,and some have expanded the theory to the field of judicial proof as the ultimate goal of criminal litigation. But from the angles of theory and practice, the identical cognizance theory is not so profoundly bas,ed. It is not considered to the arguments that the so-called identification of person and thing,making a requi:rement of a identification based on the object of the identification presenting itself two times at least and combining a species charac- teristic and aspace-time characteristic to constitute a specific feature,etc. To sum up,the practical value of the identical cognizance theory is still mainly manifested in guiding material evidence technical inspection. Thus it is appropriate to make the identical cognizance theory as one of the theoretical foundations of the subject of criminal material evidence technique.%同一认定理论经过近些年来的研究,相当多的学者认为该理论可作为犯罪侦查学的特定基础理论,更有甚者,认为可将其拓展至整个司法证明领域,以其作为刑事诉讼的最终目标。但从理论与实践的角度考察,同一认定理论并无如此深厚的基础地位,所谓的人事同一认定、同一认定的客体必须至少出现两次才产生同一认定之需要、种类特征与时空特征相结合可构成特定特征等论据是经不起推敲的。综合观之,同一认定理论的实践价值仍主要体现于指导物证技术检验,还是将其作为物证技术学的理论基础之一为妥。’



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