首页> 中文期刊> 《福建林学院学报》 >闽台裸子植物区系及地理分布格局比较




To compare the consistency and particularity of gymnosperm flora of Fujian and Taiwan, gymnosperm flora and its geographic distribution from both sides which based on the collection of literature and plant samples were analyzed.The results showed that gymnosperm flora of Fujian and Taiwan were similar.In family level, they shared 77.78% and 100%.In genera level, they shared respectively 61.90% and 72.22%.But in species level, only 16.67% from Fujian and 20.69% from Taiwan were in common.In addition, affinity closed species were occupied 38.89% and 48.28% in Fujian and Taiwan respectively.Both gymnosperm flora of Fujian and Taiwan belongs to temperate characteristic.In geographical distribution, each unit of both sides was dominated by temperate floral elements, but differences existed between Fujian and Taiwan.The gymnosperm flora in Fujian and Taiwan was closely related, but have diverged greatly, probably due tothe influence of various factors on gymnosperm including different topography, climateand barrier of the Taiwan Strait.%为分析闽台裸子植物区系的特殊性及一致性, 通过收集两地植物资源调查资料和植物标本, 研究闽台裸子植物区系和地理分布格局.结果表明: 闽台裸子植物区系科、 属组成有较高的相似度, 共有分布的科分别占两地总科数的77.78%和100%;共有分布的属分别占两地总属数61.90%和72.22%;两地裸子植物区系中种水平上相似度低, 共有分布的种占两地总种数的16.67%和20.69%, 但存在对应种相似度大的现象, 总对应种分别占两地总种数的38.89%和48.28%;区系性质上, 闽台裸子植物区系均属于温带性质;地理分布上, 闽台各单元温带性质成分占主要地位, 但温带性质各成分两地分布规律不一致.闽台裸子植物区系联系紧密, 但两地裸子植物类群已发生极大分化, 可能是由于两地不同的地形、 气候和台湾海峡阻隔等因素造成的.



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