首页> 中文期刊>法医学杂志 >福建畲族人群26个Y-STR基因座遗传多态性及其法医学应用




Objective To study the forensic application of G oldeneyeTM D N A ID 26Y K it in the She na-tionality. Methods Through capillary electrophoresis, the genotype of 26 Y-STR loci were analyzed in 53 unrelated m ale individuals from Fujian She nationality. The population genetics param eters such as allele frequency and haplotype diversity were calculated. The com parisons am ong the She nationality and the other nationalities were analyzed. Results A total of 126 alleles were observed on the 26 Y-STR loci of 53 unrelated m ale individuals. The allele frequencies and G D value ranged from 0.010 1 to 0.886 8 and 0.211 2 to 0.846 2, respectively. The G D value w as greater than 0.5 in the 19 loci. A total of 47 hap-lotypes were observed. B ased on RST, m ultidim ensional scaling plot indicated that the genetic relationship am ong Fujian She nationality and M innan H an nationality w as closest, follow ed by Southern C hina H an nationality and N orthern C hina nationality. Conclusion G oldeneyeTM D N A ID 26Y K it including 26 Y-STR loci has good polym orphism in the She nationality. A s an additional system , it has forensic appli-cation value in som e special cases.%目的:对GoldeneyeTM DNA身份鉴定系统26Y试剂盒在畲族人群中的法医学应用进行研究。方法应用毛细管电泳分型技术,对53名福建地区畲族男性无关个体的26个Y-STR基因座进行检测,获得基因型分布状况,计算等位基因频率及单倍型多样性等群体遗传学参数,并对福建畲族与其他民族群体遗传关系进行分析。结果53名无关个体中的26个Y-STR基因座共观察到126个等位基因,等位基因频率为0.0101~0.8868。26个Y-STR基因座的GD值为0.2112~0.8462,有19个基因座的GD值大于0.5。共观察到47种单倍型。根据RST构建的遗传距离矩阵显示福建畲族与闽南汉族之间遗传距离最近,其次是南方汉族,与北方民族的遗传距离相对较远。结论 GoldeneyeTM DNA身份鉴定系统26Y试剂盒所包含的26个Y-STR基因座在福建畲族中多态性较好,在特殊案件中可作为良好的补充体系,具有法医学应用价值。



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