首页> 中文期刊> 《中国水产科学》 >克氏原螯虾繁殖行为生态学的实验研究




By observation and experiment on Procambarus clarkii during the reproductive behavioral ecology, its re-productive behavior such as the first time of sexual maturity, mating system, mating behavior, reproduction season, hole behavior and care of young features was studied in this paper. In the main breeding season of original crayfish, such as shrimp mating and spawning of the field natural acquisition samples are into experimental observation statistics, the number of every batch collection shrimp samples is more than 30, body mass ranged between 15 g and 40 g. Our results show that:1) With fast growth and early sexual maturity, the individual can reach sexual maturity after 6-12 months. 2) It spawn generally in autumn and winter, but its mating and breeding period are extensive;mating behavior can be ob-served most of the year. the mating rate was 20%and the egg laying was zero in July (1-or 2-year-old, body mass 22.4 g± 2.56 g);the mating rate was 45%and the egg laying was 5%in August (1-or 2-year-old, body mass 26.7 g±2.98 g);the mating rate was 60%and the egg laying was 10%in September(1-or 2-year-old, body mass 29.3 g±3.11 g);the mating rate was 75%and the egg laying was 35%in October (1-or 2-year-old, body mass 30.9 g±3.39 g);the results of ex-periments showed that Aug., Sept., and Oct. are its mostly mating seasons, and Oct., Nov. and Dec. are its spawning fastigium. 3) there was sexual promiscuity in mating system, male and female sex ratio showed loosely, and repeated mating generally. 4) it showed a hole tendency obviously. Burrowing feature is one of the most significant outstanding habits in Procambarus clarkii. It seems as a survival and reproductive strategy on adaption, mating, spawning, hatching, care and so on. Holing behavior in different season indicates different biological function. The aim of this study is to supply theoretical basis for its artificial breeding and breeding production.%针对克氏原螯虾(Procambarus clarkii)初次性成熟、生殖季节、交配体制、交配行为、掘洞行为、护幼抚育行为等独特的生殖对策和行为特性展开研究。在克氏原螯虾主要繁殖季节进行野外自然采集成虾样本进行交配产卵等实验观察统计,每批次采集成虾样本为30尾以上,体质量在15~40 g。结果表明:1)克氏原鳌虾生长快速且性成熟早,当年个体经6~12个月即可达到性成熟。2)该虾属秋冬季产卵类型,但交配季节宽泛,繁殖期长,一年中大部分时间均有交配现象。7月份(1龄、2龄,体质量22.4 g±2.56 g)交配率为20%,产卵率为0;8月份(1龄、2龄,体质量26.7 g±2.98 g)交配率为45%,产卵率为5%;9月份(1龄、2龄,体质量29.3 g±3.11 g)交配率达到60%以上,产卵率为10%;10月份(1龄、2龄,体质量30.9 g±3.39 g)交配率为75%以上,产卵率为35%,表明在自然条件下克氏原螯虾交配季节主要集中在8-10月,产卵高峰期主要集中在10-12月。3)交配体制属于繁殖行为学中的乱交制,雌雄性比较为松散,存在普遍的重复交配现象。4)具有明显的穴居性,掘洞行为是克氏原螯虾一个显著突出的生态习性,繁殖季节掘洞强度显著增强,掘洞目的主要为雌虾产卵孵幼,其他季节的掘洞目的则是为躲避不良的生态环境,冬春季则几乎没有掘洞行为,即不同季节克氏原螯虾的掘洞有着不同的生态功能。克氏原螯虾繁殖行为生态学的研究可为其开展人工繁殖和生产养殖提供理论依据。



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