首页> 中文期刊> 《环境昆虫学报》 >昆虫对Bt毒素的抗性与中肠蛋白酶、解毒酶及保护酶系活性的关系




There are many mechanisms of insect resistance to Bacillus thuringiensis toxin. Binding site modification and altered proteolytic processing are involved in most cases of resistance. This paper reviews the changes of midgut proteinases, detoxification enzymes and protective enzymes when insects were fed with Bt and the relationship between the three kinds of enzymes and the resistance to Bt. All the studies indicate that the altered enzymes may be related with the resistance to Bt. Studying the mechanisms of insect resistance to Bt toxin will help to build early monitoring technology of resistance, carry out integrated pest management programs and finally realize the sustainable utilization of Bt toxinrnand Bt crops.%昆虫对苏云金杆菌(Bacillus thuringiensis,Bt)毒素产生抗性的机理很多,其中Bt毒素与中肠细胞膜上受体结合能力的变化、Bt毒蛋白在中肠中水解作用的变化是抗性产生的两个主要环节.本文综述了昆虫取食Bt毒素后其体内中肠蛋白酶、解毒酶及保护酶活性的变化及这些变化与抗性之间的关系.结果表明,室内及田间对Bt毒素产生抗性的昆虫品系,可能与这三大酶系存在—定的关系.研究分析昆虫对Bt毒素的抗性机理,将有助于建立早期的抗性监测技术、实施抗性治理方案,实现Bt农药与转Bt基因作物的可持续利用.



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