首页> 中文期刊> 《工程研究-跨学科视野中的工程》 >争议铁路人:晚清时期德国工程师锡乐巴




德国工程师锡乐巴于1891年来华,服务于德国驻京使馆.1892年起为张之洞效力,参与修建大冶铁路、汉阳铁厂等.后经张之洞推荐,被盛宣怀聘为中国铁路总公司参赞.1897年德国侵占胶州湾,翌年锡乐巴到山东主持胶济铁路的勘测和建设,前后担任总办达十年之久,1908年辞职回国.主持胶济铁路的建设和运营,是他在华职业生涯中最重要的贡献,也是他整个职业生涯的高峰,他为此收获了巨大的财富和荣耀.他获得张之洞等人的高度赞赏,也遭到袁世凯等人的强烈反对.以锡乐巴为代表的西方工程师在中国近代化进程和对华技术转移中扮演了双重角色,他们一方面作为工程技术人才推动了中国的近代化事业,另一方面也常成为帝国主义的代言人和帝国扩张事业的实践者.%Heinrich Hildebrand, a German Engineer, came to China in 1891, searching for the information of Chinese railway technology. From 1892 he served for Zhang Zhidong, taking part in the construction of Daye Railway and Hanyang ironworks. Recommended by Zhang, he was later hired by Sheng Xuanhuai as the counsel-lor for Chinese Railway Company. From 1898, he led the survey and construction of Jiaoji Railway, and held the post of the manager for 10 years. He made a huge success in his career in China, and was highly appreciated by Zhang, but was also opposed by Yuan Shikai. Hildebrand represented the western engineers, who played a double roles in China's modernization and technology transfer to China, on the one hand, they pushed forward China's modernization, and on the other hand, they often became the spokesman and the practitioner for the imperialist expansion.



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