首页> 中文期刊> 《生态与农村环境学报》 >自然保护区农户参与生态补偿的意愿及其影响因素




Ecological compensation policies often layer emphases mainly on the goal of ecological protection, and little on their impacts on livelihood of the farm households involved and their willingness to participate, which ultimately affect effi⁃ciency and sustainability of the ecological compensation policies. Based on the surveys of the farm households in the Haba Lake National Nature Reserve ( HLNNR) and the Liupanshan Mountain National Nature Reserve ( LMNNR) , a study was performed to analyze willingness of the farm households to participate in ecological compensation and its affecting factors, using the comparative analysis method and binary Logistic regression analysis method. Results show as follows:( 1) About 57.7% and 67.6% of the farm households interviewed in HLNNR and NNRLM respectively were satisfied with the prevail⁃ing ecological compensation policies and about 63.3% and 57.8% willing to continue participating in ecological compensa⁃tion, which indicate that though a majority of the farm households were positive about the policies, there was still quite a number who held negative attitudes;and ( 2) Livelihood was the major factor affecting willingness of the farm households to participate in ecological compensation in HLNNR and NNRLM. It varied significantly from region to region. The farm households in HLNNR lived mostly on agriculture and animal husbandry, and those who had a high portion of their income coming from agriculture and/or animal husbandry were readily willing to keep on participating in the ecological compensa⁃tion project, meanwhile the farm households in NNRLM had more and more turned to non⁃farming employment to earn their living and those who had their income coming more and more from non⁃farming employment, and less and less from agri⁃culture and animal husbandry were apparently willing to stay in the ecological compensation project;It is, therefore, sug⁃gested that in formulating and implementing ecological compensation policies, more concerns be placed on type and level of livelihood of the farm households, the ecological compensation policies be combined with precise poverty alleviation poli⁃cies, and compensation be diversified in mode specific to farm households different in livelihood, so as to achieve a“win⁃win” effect in transforming livelihood of the farm households and protecting the ecology.%运用哈巴湖国家级自然保护区和六盘山国家级自然保护区的农户调查数据,采用对比分析和二元逻辑回归分析方法,研究农户参与生态补偿的意愿及其影响因素。结果表明,哈巴湖自然保护区和六盘山自然保护区分别有57�7%和67�6%的受访农户对现有生态补偿政策持满意态度,愿意继续退耕或退牧的农户分别占63�3%和57�8%。这表明对现有生态补偿政策持满意态度和愿意继续参与的农户占多数,但仍有不少农户持否定态度。农户生计类型是影响农户参与生态补偿意愿的重要因素,但区域差异明显。哈巴湖自然保护区农户以农牧业为主,农业收入占比和牧业收入占比越高的农户,继续参与生态补偿的意愿越显著;六盘山自然保护区农户以外出务工为主要生计,外出务工人数越多和农业收入占比越小的农户继续参与生态补偿的意愿越显著。建议制定和实施生态补偿政策时应加强对农户生计水平和类型的考虑,将生态补偿政策与目前的精准扶贫政策相结合,为农户提供多样化的补偿方式,从而实现转变生计和保护生态的双赢。



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