首页> 中文期刊> 《东莞理工学院学报》 >当代公共行政的主要价值理念




The main value concept of contemporary public administration can be summarized as follows: people-oriented value, public interest, fairness and justice, administrative efficiency, democracy and the rule of law.People-oriented is demonstra-ted in public administration by putting people first, respecting people, treating people nice and making people’ s dreams true.Pub-lic interest is meant to satisfy people’ s needs for materials, conditions and resources.Fairness and justice refer to the concepts and behaviors in social interactions and operations of equally and reasonably distributing and exchanging rights and obligations, interests and damages.Administrative efficiency is embodied in the ratio among the achievements of administrative managements, the efforts put in administrations by institutions or staff and the costs of various kinds of resources.Democratic governance requires public ad-ministrations respect public wills, be transparent, be supervised by the public and be controlled by the institution and law.%当代公共行政的主要价值理念可以概括为:以人为本、公共利益、公平正义、行政效率、民主法治。以人为本,要求公共行政以人为目的,尊重人、善待人、成就人。公共利益,即满足人的公共需要的事物、条件和资源。行政效率是指行政管理的成果与行政组织和行政人员从事行政管理工作所投入和消耗的各种资源的比值。公平正义,是指人类在社会交往和社会运作过程中平等、合理地对权利与义务、利益与损害进行分配、交换的理念与行为。民主法治,要求公共行政行为必须充分尊重公众意志,必须公开透明,接受公众监督,必须置于代表公民意志的宪法和法律的约束之下。



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