首页> 中文期刊> 《德州学院学报》 >挑战性任务教学对大学生外语学习自我效能感的积极作用




从德州古人类遗址中出土了大量的石、骨、牙、角、陶、蚌等器物,可管窥德州原始先民的生产、生活状态。石斧、石镰、石铲和蚌刀,说明德州先民早在四五千年前就已在这里从事着原始农业生产;大量的石箭头、蚌箭头、陶弹丸、兽骨镞及少量的铜镞,说明渔猎活动仍是当时人们赖以生存的重要手段之一;众多的陶制器皿,如陶灯、陶盆、陶豆、陶鬲、陶罐、陶鼎、陶杯等,说明当时人们已过着定居生活;陶环、陶俑、陶牛、陶马、陶鸡、陶楼的发现,则反映了当时人们对美的追求,也是畜牧业和家庭养殖在原始造型艺术上的反映;特别是陶纺轮和捻线坨的多次发现,说明德州区域当时已有了发达的纺织业。在距今4000年左右,德州先民终于敲响了文明的晨钟。%College English education in China has been restricted to the traditional teaching mode. As the society, especially the employers raise their demand for graduates" practical language capacity, the contra- diction between teaching and learning stands out abruptly. For those who are quite weak at English, lan- guage learning has become an obstacle of their school life and even the future career, which might even af- fect the self--acknowledgment. In view of the current education environment, this paper would suggest a way, as how to promote the college students" language study motivation by enhancing their self--efficacy through challenging tasks, while at the same time integrating language learning, personality cultivation and career design.



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