首页> 中文期刊> 《临床肺科杂志》 >胸膜结核瘤的CT诊断(附18例分析)




目的 探讨胸膜结核瘤与胸膜、肺组织的关系及CT诊断.方法 结合临床、CT随访分析18例28枚病理诊断胸膜结核瘤的形成机制及与肺、胸膜的解剖关系.结果 18例28枚胸膜结核瘤,其中26枚(≥1 cm)胸膜结核瘤病理证实为肺与胸膜共患结核瘤,17枚由肺外带浅表结核蔓延到胸膜形成,CT表现为肺野外带紧贴胸膜(与胸膜关系密切)或以胸膜为基底突向肺野的半圆形结节,17例27枚胸膜结核瘤伴有同侧胸膜炎和/或肺内结核.结论 胸膜结核瘤(≥1 cm)为肺与胸膜共患结核瘤,多数由肺结核蔓延到胸膜形成,CT诊断明确.%Objective To investigate the relationship between pleural tuberculoma and lung tissue as well as pleura, and the CT diagnosis of pleural tuberculoma. Methods Combining clinical with and CT data, we follow up and analyze the forming mechanism of 28 pleural tuberculoma in 18 patients and their anatomical relationship with lung tissue and pleura. Results Out of the 28 pleural tuberculoma, 26(≥lcm) involves both pleura and lung; 17 spreads to pleura from the superficial zone of lung. The CT shows that semicircular nodules is either clinging to the pleura or based on pleural surface and protruding to the lung field. 27 Pleural tuberculoma in 17 patients were accompanied with the same-side pleuritis and/or tuberculosis at the same time. Conclusion Pleural tuberculomas often affeet lung and pleura at the same time, most of which spreads to pleura from pulmonary tuberculosis.



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