首页> 中文期刊> 《临床骨科杂志》 >人工股骨头置换术后不使用负压引流的临床观察




Objective To find out the possibility of not using negative pressure drainage after femoral head replacement. Methods 30 patients after femoral head replacement were selected and divided into two groups( drainage group, non-drainage group ) in this study, and each group had 15 patients. Results The patients' clinical data were collected, such as the inflammation index after surgery ( WBC, CRP ), Hb, first mobile time after surgery, recovery of function. Then these data was analyzed by SPSS software. There was no significant difference on general condition between the drainage group and aspects as the inflammation index after surgery ( WBC, CRP regression time of fever after surgery ), Hb, first mobile time after surgery, recovery of function( P > 0. 05 ). Conclusions Non-drainage is possible with the patients without obviously coagulation disorders and with suitable prosthetic appliance after femoral head replacement.%目的 对人工股骨头置换术后不应用负压引流进行临床观察,为术后不放置负压引流提供参考.方法 随机将进行人工股骨头置换术的30例患者分为应用负压引流15例(负压组)和不应用负压15例(非负压组).观察术后第3天的炎症指标(WBC、CRP)、RBC、Hb、早期进行功能锻炼时间,对功能恢复情况进行HSS评分.结果随访1年,两组患者在术后炎症指标、Hb下降程度、感染发生率、功能恢复方面差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 人工股骨头置换术患者在无明显凝血功能障碍、假体选择合适、术中止血良好的情况下,可不应用负压引流.



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