首页> 中文期刊> 《针灸临床杂志》 >'门穴'浅析——头面、胸腹部'门穴'




There are 22 acupuncture points with "Men" in their names in twelve regular meridians and Ren meridian and Du meridian. Men means the important gateway where the Qi and blood of Zang - Fu organs and meridians go through interiorly and exteriorly. Thus, the Men acupuncture points can specially regulate the Zang - Fu organs and meridians. Through analyzing 11 door acupuncture points which distribute on the head, face and chest and abdomen, this article concludes that the Men acupuncture points might have special effects on particular diseases, and it is worthy of deeply research.%十四经穴中共有22个以"门"字命名的穴位."门"是脏腑经络气血通行内外的门户要道,所以"门穴"对人体脏腑经络的调节作用,也就有了特殊的意义.本文通过对十四经分布于头面及胸腹部11个"门穴"的分析,得出这些"门穴"对特定的疾病有着特殊的疗效,值得进一步挖掘.



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