首页> 中文期刊>重庆邮电大学学报(社会科学版) >“无为而治”思想的一种隐喻性言说--再释《易经》“黄帝尧舜垂衣裳而天下治”




There are two versions of interpretation on “drooping robes and dresses”in The Book ofChange·Explanation, which are of great influence,one being that robes and dresses are the sign of the rulers and the other being that it refers to doing nothing that goes against the nature.However,the former opinion is questionable in at least three aspects:first-ly,it lacks the support of solid historic materials;secondly,it ignores the historical background and ideological and cul-tural context of Huangdi,Yao and Shun’s governance in accordance with the nature;thirdly,it violates the historical logic of separate ruling of “robes”and “dresses”.The reason that drooping of robes and dresses is the metaphorical ex-pression of natural governance lies in the comparison of governing practices resulting from natural ruling and interferential governing.Drooping robes and dresses refers to maintaining a static state,which connects it with governing by doing nothing that goes against the nature.%《周易·系辞》中的“垂衣裳”解释,有两种影响较大:一是指衣裳作为管理者的标志;二是指对“无为而治”思想的一种含蓄表达。不过,第一种观点已经偏离了“垂衣裳”所要传达的根本意指。该观点最具代表性的学者是陈传席先生。把“垂衣裳”作为管理者之标志的解读至少在三个方面存在商榷的必其一,悬置“盖取诸乾坤”的解读行为缺乏充分的、直接的历史史料支撑;其二,忽视了“黄帝尧舜垂衣裳而天下治”产生的时代背景及思想文化语境;其三,未注意到“衣、裳”分制的历史发展逻辑和衣裳并置背后所潜在的语境玄机。其实,“垂衣裳”句不过是后人假托黄帝尧舜宣扬无为而治的思想罢了。而“垂衣裳”之所以是“无为”思想的隐喻性言说,主要在于与“非垂衣裳”所关涉的有为行为相比较,“垂衣裳”所呈现出的是“守静”的意义,它是“垂衣裳”与“无为”思想相联系的拱顶石。



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