首页> 中文期刊> 《铁道学报》 >高速铁路客运服务质量、旅客满意度与忠诚度分析




中国是目前世界上高速铁路里程最长的国家,高速铁路已经成为国民出行的重要选择.以结构方程模型(SEM)为分析方法,以沪宁城际高铁为例,分析高速铁路客运服务质量、旅客满意度和忠诚度之间的关系.建立高速铁路旅客满意度模型,开发旅客满意度测量表.研究表明,高速铁路旅客满意度模型调查数据的信度和效度得到验证,假设验证中除“旅客满意度到旅客忠诚度”和“旅客抱怨到旅客忠诚度”未得到验证外,其他假设都得到很好验证,结论显示:高速铁路客运服务质量对公司形象影响最大,同时对旅客满意度有直接影响;高速铁路公司形象对旅客满意度有着直接影响,对旅客抱怨和旅客忠诚有间接影响;高速铁路旅客满意度对旅客忠诚度有着间接影响,与旅客抱怨有直接影响;高速铁路旅客抱怨对旅客忠诚度影响不大.%At Present China is the country with the longest kilometrage of high-speed railways in the world,and travel by high-speed railways has become one of the main choices of the Chinese people. Service Quality, Passenger Satisfaction and Passenger Loyalty (QSL) continue to be the critical factors that influence long-term operation, development and profits of high-speed railways. The structural equation model (SEM) is first proposed in order to measure the impact of mediating variables in the customer continuance behavior on the QSL chain of high-speed railways. The empirical study shows that the QSL relationship is influenced by the introduction of mediating variables, such as the corporation image, service quality, passenger complaints and passenger loyalty, into the high-speed railway industry. The research shows that the reliability and validity of survey data of the passenger satisfaction model of high-speed railways are confirmed and the hypotheses paths are proved except for "passenger satisfaction to passenger loyalty" and "passenger complaint to passenger loyalty". The following conclusions are drawn: Service quality of high-speed railways affects the image of corporation to the utmost and affects passenger satisfaction directly; the image of corporation has direct influence on passenger satisfaction and has indirect influence on passenger complaints and passenger loyalty; passenger satisfaction has indirect influence on passenger loyalty and has direct influence on passenger complaints; passenger complaints have little influence on passenger loyalty.



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