首页> 中文期刊> 《中国井冈山干部学院学报》 >切实提高干部党性教育针对性实效性




During the process of cadre education and training,we must,according to the new tests and new requirements brought by the deep changes in the overall conditions of the world,our country and our Party to the cadres’competences,qualities and partisanship,place party spirit education on a higher position,and actually improve the pertinence and effectiveness of party spir-it education. We must enhance the times feature according to the implementation of the Party’s central tasks,strengthen the infectivity and persuasiveness of party spirit education based on com-prehensive policy implementation,and optimize the utilization of education resources to build up an open,multidimensional pattern of party spirit education and complete the long - term mecha-nism of party spirit education,so as to stimulate the cadres’internal motives for strengthening their own partisanship.%干部教育培训必须根据世情、国情、党情的深刻变化对干部能力素养和党性修养提出的新考验新要求,把党性教育放在更加突出的地位,切实提高党性教育的针对性实效性。要做到:紧扣党的中心任务开展,增强党性教育的时代性;坚持以学员为中心,增强党性教育的针对性;坚持综合施策,增强党性教育的感染力说服力;优化整合教育资源,构建开放立体的党性教育格局和完善党性教育的长效机制,激发干部加强党性修养的内在动力。



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