首页> 中文期刊>成都大学学报(社会科学版) >《山海经・帝俊》与《乌古斯传》基于史诗角度之比较




The Classic of Mountains and Seas・Emperor Jun is the part of The Classic of Mountains and Seas con-cerning Emperor Jun ,which is the most ancient epic of the Hannationality .Although incomplete and messy ,but it still re-tains a lot of epic motif which can be used by later scholars to conduct comparative research .Ogushannama is the embry-onic form ofthe most ancient Turkic epic ,which is also incomplete when found .The length is very short ,but the basic plot and motif is complete ,which can just be compared with The Book of Mountains and Seas・Emperor Jun .By comparison , it is found that The Classic of Mountains and Seas・Emperor Jun is indeed a remnant of the epic ,can be repaired by the research of Ogushannama .%《山海经・帝俊》是《山海经》中关于帝俊的内容,它是汉民族最古老的史诗遗迹,虽然残缺凌乱,却仍然保留下很多史诗母题,可供后世学者进行比较研究。而《乌古斯传》是突厥语民族最古老的史诗雏形,它在被发现时也是残缺的,篇幅也很短,但基本故事情节与母题已经很完整,正好可以与《山海经・帝俊》进行比较。通过比较,我们发现《山海经・帝俊》确实是一部残存的史诗,可以通过对《乌古斯传》的研究进行修复。



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