首页> 中文期刊>成都师范学院学报 >从“生态位”的视角看新建本科院校的转型发展--以成都师范学院为例




从生态系统的视角,应该把新建本科院校的转型发展放在经济社会发展转型的大背景下,放在高等教育结构调整和构建现代职业教育体系的大背景下,放在我国就业市场变化的大背景下来思考。新建院校应顺应创新驱动发展战略,找准在国家产业升级大背景下的“生态位”;顺应高等教育布局结构调整,找准在现代职业教育体系中的“生态位”;顺应人才市场需求,找准在毕业生就业市场的“生态位”。同时,结合成都师范学院的实际提出了新建地方师范院校转型发展的对策。%From the view of ecological niche,it is necessary to ponder over the transition and development of newly-built undergraduate university under the background of economic and social transition and development,structural ad-jusrment of higher education,construction of modern vocational education system and the change of employment mraket in our country. Newly-builit undergraduate university should comply with the innovation-driven development strategy,the structural adjusrment of higher education and the need of talent market,and capture the“ecological niche”under the background of industrial upgrading of the country,modern vocational education system and graduate employment market. Meanwhile,this paper propses the countermeasures of transition and development of newly-built undergraduate universi-ty according to the reality.



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