首页> 中文期刊>常熟理工学院学报 >被规训的身体 被奴役的心灵——从福柯的规训理论解读霍桑的《胎记》

被规训的身体 被奴役的心灵——从福柯的规训理论解读霍桑的《胎记》



Birthmark is a famous short story written by Nathaniel Hawthorne.An analysis of the power dynamics int he novels reveals that the methods employed by the hero of the story,Aylmer,to control his wife coincide witht he discipline strategies in Michel Foucault’s Discipline Theory.Some critics’criticism of Aylmer is aesthetic andn aturalistic,ignoring the fact that he himself is unconsciously disciplined and controlled as well.Hawthorne's critical attitude towards the idolization of science in his era makes it clear that he realizes science,coupled with patriarchal ideology,has become an enormous controlling power over people.%《胎记》是纳撒尼尔·霍桑的短篇小说,对文本中权力运作机制的分析表明男主人公埃尔梅控制和支配妻子乔琪安娜的方式恰好契合了福柯的规训理论,且其在规训乔琪安娜同时自身也受到了奴役和规训。从霍桑对他所处时代对科学的集体崇拜的批判态度我们可以推断,他睿智地意识到科学话语与男性中心主义思想合流对人们所形成的强大控制。



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