首页> 中文期刊> 《陶瓷学报》 >“庭院栏栅”-明清五彩瓷中“栏杆”的形制与布局探微




The design of the "railings" in the ancient courtyard building is an indispensable part. It has not only an important function, but also has a high esthetic value and humanistic concern. The ingenious unity of the content and form of the courtyard building embodies the spirit of Chinese traditional culture. Courtyard "railings" have been long in existence in ancient Chinese paintings. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, they become more varied in the prevalent woodcut printmaking. During the period of Emperor Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty, the richest composition on Wucai porcelain relfects the beauty of "railing" design. The practical function, exquisite pattern and clever space division gives a crowning touch to ancient painted porcelain. This paper discusses shapes and layouts of railings in paintings, especially woodcut printmaking works in Ming and Qing dynasties to reveal their inheriting relations. It also explores the colorful representations of the beauty of "railing” design on Wucai porcelain and analyzes the effects of different shapes and layouts of railings on its whole composition.%在古代的庭院建筑设计中,“栏杆”是不可或缺的一部分;它不仅有重要的实用功能,更有着丰富的审美价值和人文关怀,巧妙地体现了庭院建筑在内容与形式上的统一,是中国传统文化内涵的表现。庭院中的“栏杆”在古代绘画中早有体现,到明清时期盛行的木刻版画艺术中“栏杆”的表现形式更是多样丰富,清代康熙时期最富特色的康熙五彩瓷的构图中就大量体现了“栏杆”的设计之美,功能性、精致美观的图式和空间分割的巧妙营造,成为古彩瓷中的点睛之笔。本文将着重探讨“栏杆”的形制和布局对于绘画尤其是明清版画的借鉴,阐述它们之间的传承关系,并发掘五彩瓷中“栏杆”设计美的不同体现,分析不同形制的栏杆布局对五彩瓷整体构图效果的影响。



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