


雷锋精神作为当代中国的一种道德范式,对于整个中华民族具有鲜明的时代价值。学雷锋活动是弘扬中国民族传统美德的典范,是高校德育价值实现的重要载体,对于大学生德育而言,是十分重要的德育资源。但是泛道德主义的绝对的无私奉献也是远离这个时代的,必然导致德育走向"乌托邦"理想。如何解读雷锋精神的时代价值,成为当代大学生可学可用,能学能用,长学长用,进而激活雷锋精神的道德影响力,使学雷锋活动走向常态化,是当今高校德育重要的时代课题。%Lei-Feng's spirit,as a moral paradigm in contemporary China,displays distinctive value to the whole Chinese nation.The activity of learning Lei-Feng,an important carrier for the realization of moral education in universities,and a kind of quite important recourses of moral education for the university students,serves as an exemplar promoting Chinese traditional virtues.A pure selfless contribution derived from the over-moralization,however,will be far from the contemporary society,for it inevitably leads to Utopia of moral education.How to interpret the value of times for the Lei-Feng's spirit,to activate its influence under the acceptance and management of university students,to normalize the activity of learning Lei-Feng,becomes an important subject for university contemporary moral education.



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