首页> 中文期刊> 《灾害学》 >四川省县域公路洪灾危险评价研究




以四川省县域公路洪灾为研究对象,在影响因子分析基础上,从地形地貌、降雨、岩性、河网及植被等方面构建了县域公路洪灾危险评价指标体系,利用层次分析和专家效度相耦合方法计算各指标权重值,采用综合指数法建立公路洪灾危险评价综合指数模型。在 ArcGIS 软件支持下,获取各评价指标数据,汇总各区县网格数据,计算得到各区县公路洪灾危险指数综合值,依据相应阈值将四川省县域公路洪灾划分为高、中、低和微危险四个等级。研究表明:四川省县域公路洪灾危险综合指数值在31.21~71.63之间,以中、低危险两个等级为主。%Based on highway flood in Sichuan province,5 factors including topography and geomorphology, rainfall,lithology,river network and vegetation coverage are selected to construct the index system of hazards eval-uation.The index weight are obtained through the combination of AHQ and expert reliability,and the comprehen-sive index evaluation model for hazards evaluation is built by comprehensive index method.Supported by ArcGIS, comprehensive index for hazards evaluation in each grid is calculated by the analysis data of each index precisely obtained,then hazard evaluation of highway flood in Sichuan province are divided into different zones according to county administrative districts.The results show that the comprehensive index of hazards evaluation ranges from 31 .21 to71 .63,and the hazard evaluation zones are mainly distributed in middle and low hazard area.



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