首页> 中文期刊>滨州学院学报 >《孙膑兵法》之精兵思想——兼谈孙膑对前人思想的继承与创新及对后世的影响




《孙膑兵法》中体现出以慎战为理论基础、以富国为物质基础、以常备不懈为战略意图、以质量建军为核心内容的精兵思想。这些思想继承了孙武军事思想精髓并有所创新和发展,且对后世军事思想的发展产生了一定的影响,因而在中国古代军事思想史上占有重要地位;从军事思想的研究价值来看,这些思想对当今国防和军队建设具有重要的指导和借鉴意义。%The thesis mainly inquiries into the thoughts of better troops which theoretically bases on being prudent on war, physically bases on how to rich the country, strategically intents on being forever precautious and building the army with better quality in Military Science of Sun Bin. At the same time,it tries to explain that from the angle of historical development of China, these thoughts not only inherit,innovate and develop the quintessence of Military thoughts of Sun Wu, but also influence on military thoughts to later generations. That is why it took an important role in China's history of ancient military thoughts. Besides,from the angle of investigation value of military thoughts,these thoughts have great guiding and referential significance for modem defense and military construction.



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