首页> 中文期刊> 《北京工业大学学报》 >改进的基于安全距离的车辆跟驰模型




Gipps' model,the well-known safe distance car-following model,has a strict restriction on the car-following behavior,that is,the following vehicle has to maintain the exact safe distance with the leading vehicle to avoid accident.However,this restriction is not consistent with the reality.Owning to this reson,an enhanced safe distance car-following model was proposed first,and then evaluated by comparing with Gipps' model.Furthermore,simulations were conducted to analyze the characteristics of the new model.The results of evaluation and simulation illustrate that the proposed model has more accurate prediction result than Gipps' model,and can reproduce the stable flow and shockwave that are very common in real traffic flow.In addition,the enhanced model can stabilize traffic flow.%由于经典的基于安全距离的车辆跟驰模型Gipps模型要求车辆行驶时恰好与前车保持安全距离,这是一个对车辆跟驰行为过分严格的约束,不符合实际情况,根据实际情况提出车辆跟驰距离是有关安全距离和前后车相对速度的函数,并据此建立了改进的基于安全距离的车辆跟驰模型.NGSIM数据经过处理后被用来标定Gipps 模型和改进后的模型,在标定结果的基础上对模型进行了统计意义上和仿真预测能力上的模型评价.结果显示:改进后的基于安全距离的车辆跟驰模型比Gipps模型有更高的仿真精确,可以再现出宏观交通中的稳定交通流和冲击波等常见的交通现象,并且改进模型在一定程度上使交通流变得更加稳定.



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