首页> 中文期刊> 《北京印刷学院学报》 >中美新型大国关系的提出与构建




奥巴马执政后,中美关系一度出现利好局势,但始终处于起伏不定的状态,紧张态势更是频频出现,严重影响了两国关系的正常发展。为了改善并发展中美关系,共建新时期的国际秩序,中国领导人高瞻远瞩,提出了建立中美新型大国关系的宏大构想。当前,中美新型大国关系的构建之路面临着巨大的挑战,如何从战略角度出发推动和发展两国新型大国关系,成为至关重要的问题。%After Obama took office, the Sino-U. S. relationship appeared a positive momentum, but it had been showing a status of fluctuation. And some critical situation had emerged often, seriously undermining the development of the relationship of the two countries. To improve and develop Sino-U. S. relationship and establish a new international order together, the Chinese leader came up with the great vision of establishing a new model of major-country relationship between China and the United States. Certainly, the road of construction of a new model of major-country relationship between China and the United States will face enormous challenges, so how to propel and develop the new model of major-country relationship between the two countries has become a critical issue.



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