首页> 中文期刊> 《弹道学报》 >基于微粒群算法的中制导弹道优化设计




To achieve the maximum kill probability in the target interception,the multiple shooting algorithm and the particle swarm optimization were combined,and a particle swarm optimization (PSO ) algorithm was presented based on optimization algorithm of midcourse guidance trajectory.According to the idea of the multiple shooting algorithm,the proposed algorithm trans-formed the trajectory optimization to a multi-objective optimization problem by means of state space decomposition and endpoint constrain based on performance index.The multi-objective opti-mization problem was transformed to the optimization of parameter and performance index by an-alyzing the reliability between the two,and the PSO was employed to deal with the problem.The simulation result shows that the trajectory can be effectively optimized by the proposed algo-rithm.%为使拦截武器有效拦截目标,将直接多重打靶算法与微粒群算法相结合,设计了一种基于微粒群算法的中制导弹道优化算法。该算法借鉴直接多重打靶算法基本思想,将状态空间与参数空间分别进行分解与分段,并在此基础上结合中制导末端条件构建性能指标函数,将弹道优化问题转化为多目标优化问题;基于对指标函数之间依赖性的分析,在求解过程中将多目标优化分解为参数层和指标层优化两部分,采用微粒群算法对其进行分层优化求解。仿真研究表明,该优化算法能够对弹道进行有效优化。



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