首页> 中文期刊> 《国防科技大学学报》 >滑翔导弹再入拉起段弹道优化设计与制导




The reentry trajectory of glide missile can be divided into three phases; descent and pull-up phase, glide phase and terminal phase. According the characteristics descent and pull-up phase, an optimization model of reentry trajectory was introduced, and the Gauss Pseudospectral Method was used to solve the optimization problem. Based on onboard trajectory optimization, the control command was obtained and updated onboard, and the closed-loop control trajectories were generated. The results show that the Gauss Pseudospectral Method works well with high precision and fast speed, and the presented closed-loop control can provide a missile capability of satisfying the desired objectives under various disturbances and uncertainties.%对滑翔导弹再入弹道进行了分段,根据再入拉起段的特性建立了弹道优化设计模型,认为导弹在再入拉起段弹道终点时应处于纵向力平衡状态,使用Gauss伪谱法进行了再入拉起段的能量最优弹道优化计算;利用基于伪谱法优化的弹道在线生成,实时产生控制指令,实现了再入拉起段的闭环弹道控制.仿真结果表明,Gauss伪谱法弹道优化具有精度高、计算时间短等特点,闭环弹道控制能较好地消除风、再入参数偏差等干扰的影响,具有应用于在线制导的潜力.



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