首页> 中文期刊>汽车安全与节能学报 >新型变刚度主动横向稳定杆及防侧倾控制




为解决重型商用车在紧急避障及不平路面的抗侧翻能力不足的问题,设计了一种新型变扭转刚度非线性主动横向稳定杆.运用车辆系统动力学理论,建立包含主动横向稳定杆的八自由度整车动力学模型,采用遗传算法和线性二次型最优控制理论,对装备新型主动横向稳定杆的车辆进行防侧倾主动控制仿真分析.结果表明:通过直线电机传动机构实现横向稳定杆杆身中部铰接点之间距离的自动变化,使横向稳定杆扭转刚度随路面冲击载荷或车辆高速转弯时车身离心力变化做实时响应;车辆高速激转时,主动横向稳定杆相较于被动横向稳定杆,侧倾角平均值减小约30%,抗侧倾转矩增大13%左右,横向载荷转移率降低20%左右;在小侧向加速度时,主动横向稳定杆施加的抗侧倾转矩比被动稳定杆增大44%、横向载荷转移率降低23%左右,表明该主动横向稳定杆及其控制策略能有效改善车辆的平顺性和抗侧倾能力.%A new type of nonlinear active anti-roll bar with variable torsional stiffness was designed to improve the anti-rollover ability in emergency obstacle avoidance and uneven pavement of heavy commercial vehicle. A vehicle dynamics model with active anti-roll bar of eight degrees of freedom was proposed. Using the genetic algorithm and linear quadratic regulator optimal control theory, the vehicle active anti-roll control simulation was analyzed with the vehicle of new anti-roll bar system. The results show that the anti-roll bar's torsion stiffness changes with the pavement impact or the centrifugal force during turning by changing the distance between the anti-roll bar automatically. Comparison with the passive anti-roll bar, in high speed turning, the vehicle's average roll angle with active anti-roll bar reduces by 30%, the anti-roll torque increases by about 13%, and the lateral load transfer rate reduces by about 20%; in small lateral acceleration, the anti-roll torque increases by about 44%, the lateral transfer rate reduces by about 23%, which proves that the active anti-roll bar and its control strategy can effectively improve vehicle ride comfort and anti-roll capability.



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