首页> 中文期刊> 《原子与分子物理学报》 >气相过渡金属钽-碳链团簇的研究




The second-harmonic output of a Nd: YAG laser is used to ablate the surface of rotating metal rod. Thereafter, the metal is vaporized, and through plasma reactions with 3% acetylene which are carried in helium buffer gas, metal-carbon clusters are produced. After cluster species underwent a supersonic expansion and formed a collimated beam with skimmer, entered into ionization region of a time-offlight (TOF) mass spectrometer, where were ionized by the laser. When the wavelength of ionization laser was 248 nm, only TaCy+ (y =0~10) clusters ion is observed. It was discovered the intensities of ion signal of odd clusters were smaller, while the intensities of ion signal of even clusters were bigger. When the wavelength of ionization laser is 266 nm, Tax Cy+ (x=1~ 4, y= 0~ 4) clusters ion was observed.%Nd:YAG产生的二倍频532 nm激光消融金属靶表面,同时含有3%乙炔的氦载气喷向旋转的金属靶,通过等离子体反应形成中性的气相碳链-金属团簇分子.然后经过超声膨胀后,由skimmer形成准直的分子束,进入飞行时间质谱仪的电离区,被电离激光电离.当电离激光波长为248 nm时,只现察到了TaCy+(y=0~10)的碳链团簇离子信号,实验发现奇数碳链的过渡金属钽团簇离子信号比较小,而偶数碳链的团簇离子信号较大.当电离激光波长为266 nm时,观察到了TaxCy+(x=1~4,y=0~4)的碳链团簇离子信号.



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