首页> 中文期刊> 《宇航学报》 >基于多体仿真模型的运动机构可靠性仿真试验系统研究




Based on the Monte Carlo simulation, a hybrid experimental simulation system for mechanism motion reliability is developed by using the LMS Virtual. Lab and the Visual Basic . NET. In the hybrid simulative experiment system,the LMS Virtual. Lab is used to perform the kinematic and dynamic analysis; the Visual Basic .NET is used to develop the user interface and huild the uncertainty models used for reliability analysis, as well as cxtract the useful result data from the output file of LMS Virtual. Lab. Finally, two examples, i. e. the mechanism motion reliability analysis of a crank-slider mechanism in which geometry errors and joint clearance errors are considered , and the multi-failure mode reliability analysis and sensitivity analvsis of a lock mechanism in which the effect of dynamic characteristics on the reliability are considered, are adopted to illustrate feasibility and efficiency of the hybrid simulation system.%以蒙特卡罗法为理论核心,利用多体运动学和动力学分析软件--LMS Virtual.Lab作为运动机构可靠性分析平台,通过Visual Basic.NET程序设计语言建立用户界面并实现对LMS Virtual.Lab的调用,以进行运动机构的可靠性仿真试验,采用得到的随机变量数据库和结果数据库对运动机构进行典型失效模式的可靠性分析,从而形成了一套可以实现运动机构的可靠性仿真与分析功能的可靠性仿真试验系统.以对心曲柄滑块机构为例,进行了几何尺寸误差和运动副间隙误差影响下的机构运动精度可靠性分析;以某锁机构为例,研究多失效模式下动力学特性对于机构定位可靠性的影响并进行了灵敏性分析.通过这两个实例验证该可靠性仿真试验系统进行机构可靠性仿真试验和可靠性分析的可行性和有效性.



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