首页> 中文期刊> 《干旱气象》 >甘肃临夏地区油菜生态气候适应性分析与适生种植区划




This paper analyzed the physiological characteristics of Brassica napus and its eco-climate condition in Linxia of Gansu Province by using the mathematical statistic method,and established the comprehensive index system of suitable planting area of Brassica napus.The precipitation,temperature and sunshine hours were main factors influencing Brassica napus growth by analyzing climatic factors during Brassica napus growth season from 1971-2009 in Linxia area.At the same time,the Brassica napus planting area was regionalized according to the climatic indexes system established in Linxia area.The planting region can be divided into 3 areas,the best suitable planting area(Kangle county,Hezheng county,Jishishan county,southwest of Linxia county,and southwest Dongxiang county),the better suitable planting area(East and west irrigation land of Linxia,the lower reaches of Guangtonghe River,northeast Kangle and Jishishan county and east Dongxiang county),and in other areas of Linxia the Brassica napus just can be planted.%采用数理统计方法,分析了临夏地区甘蓝型油菜的气候生态条件,建立了气候生态适生种植区划综合指标体系。根据临夏地区1971~2009年油菜生长季气候要素分析,表明影响该地区油菜生长发育的主要气候要素为降水、气温和日照,并根据建立的油菜气候区划指标对临夏地区油菜种植进行区划。将临夏油菜种植区划分为5个区域,康乐、和政、积石山、临夏县大部川塬区及西南部,东乡县西南部等地区为最适区;临夏市东、西川,广河县广通河下游,康乐、积石山东北部,东乡东塬等为较适区;临夏其他地方为可种植区。



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