首页> 中文期刊> 《安徽警官职业学院学报 》 >论反垄断法视域下的外资并购规制




我国加入世界贸易组织后,随着市场经济体制的进一步完善和新的市场准入机会的增加,外资对国内企业的并购已十分普遍。我国企业在接受外资并购实行规模效益,增强企业竞争的同时,也带来了一系列的问题。如排挤民族产业,造成金融风暴,甚至威胁我国的经济安全。这些问题都源于外资并购带来的垄断问题。一旦形成垄断,会造成排挤国内企业,扭曲市场机制,降低市场效率等后果。因此,对利用反垄断法规制外资并购法律制度的研究已刻不容缓,构建适合于中国国情的外资并购反垄断法律规制实施体制,对于实现大的市场经济法治的目标意义重大。%After access to WTO, along with the market economy system perfecting and opportunities increasing, China has beheld more foreign-capital-taking-over enterprises which really enhances the enterprises" competitive ability, and brings a series of problems as well, such as pushing national industry out, causing financial storm, even threatening the economic security of our country. These problems will directly lead to monopoly which will make our domestic enterprises pushed out, the market mechanism distorted, and market efficiency reduced. Therefore, it is urgent to take a probe into regulating it with anti-monopoly law, and establish our own implement system of the anti-monopoly law, which is of great significance to realize the goal of ruling the market economy by law.



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