首页> 中文期刊> 《安徽警官职业学院学报》 >赋予刑事案件被害人上诉权的可行性浅析




刑事案件的被害人作为刑事诉讼当事人之一,却不享有其他当事人所享有的上诉权,为此有学者呼吁,为了追求平等原则和保障人权,应当也赋予被害人上诉权。采取如下措施可充分保障被害人的权益:(1)通过立法或司法解释增加提起抗诉申请的主体和范围;(2)延长上诉、抗诉的期限,明确判决书送达的方式及时间;(3)明确有关部门对于被害人抗诉请求权的告知义务;(4)规定审查抗诉申请有关人员的回避制度以及详细的处理规则;(5)增设抗诉申请被驳回之后的救济制度。%Victims of criminal cases, one of the criminal litigants involved in the cases, do not have the right to appeal. Some scholars have called for giving the victim the right to appeal in criminal cases for the pursuit of the principle of equality and the protection of human rights. Take the following measures to fully protect the rights of the victims: (1)increase the subject and scope of appealing application by legislation and judicial explanation;(2) extend the period for appealing and protesting and set a clear manner and deadline of delivering the verdict;(3) clarify relevant authorities’ obligation of notifying the victims the right to protest; (4) relevant personnel’s avoidance system and detailed processing rules; (5) additional relief system if the protest application is rejected.



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